Saturday, 8 August 2015

Caravan wash day

So today is wash day. In fact it is clean and tidy day as well, a task that takes two hours if I turn out a few cupboards and wash a curtain or two, and an hour if I am feeling lazy.

Which brings me to my washer and drier.

Caravans may come equipped with a washer, usually a small automatic plumbed in to the bathroom.
We chose a camping twin tub. Ours us three years old and doesn't owe us a cent. It's light, fits in the caravan front boot when we travel. When we free site I can save and reuse water or bucket it in from a free local source.  Water is one limiting factor for where and for how long we can camp away from a town park...but more about that another day.

Light weight camping twin tub filling up with water.

On a nice day like today, 28 degrees, light breeze and sunny I set it up outside. If it is hot, and 42 degrees is not uncommon during the build up to the wet season, I lift it into  the shower cubicle in the van and use the shower head to fill and rinse.  I can turn  the air conditioner on, sit on the bed and read. Sure beats sitting in a coin laundry minding the wash.

Now I mentioned my drier. Well mine uses free sunlight and the breeze. Very effective most of the time.

Double pull-out drying lines sit under the solar panel rack on the back of our van

K put these two pull out lines on the back of the van under the solar panel rack. We tie them up when we drive.
Then there is always the line strung around the annex. Or a folding mini hoist. But we have donated that to another camper.


Got to finish hanging it all out.

Cheers Sue
A Ferg on the Move

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