Monday 9 January 2017

Drowning in Yarn. Me versus the yarn stash

A week into the new year already.

We are settling into somewhat of a pattern of moving between the caravan on the farm and our room here at Rathmines. (K is deep into his fixing here this week....Farm next week. Still moving, we are)

One of my aims from last year was to attack the yarn stash. In all fairness to K, since I am at him all the time about how he finds and wants to keep "useful things", I felt it was only fair to be ruthless with my essential junk as well.

So how am I going.? Only fair if I am to be honest. You see my daughter requested  this cot blanket for Master One Year Old. Loved the pattern. Got right into it. Yarn had to be purpose bought. On special of course. (I did knit a blue and white in the same stitch out of my stash first. One up to me)

End result pretty impressive. Yarn left over however so....(Sue one, yarn stash one)

Then an elderly friend downsizing after many years of crafting brought a huge bag of textured yarn to Bible School last week. Everyone rummaged through it and most of it went.
But.... Some balls of fluffy yarn in pinks, greens, blues and greys remained lurking in the bottom of the bag. Now I could have taken them to the op shop. Hmm. I tried. I really did. You can't blame me. My needles lept into my hands and I found myself doing the only thing that should be done with odd balls of yarn. Squares.   

No yarn in my collection for joining. So pink yarn from the op shop.
And a dozen 50 gm balls assorted fluffy green, blue and grey still in the bottom of the bag.( Sue one, yarn stash too many)

I have redeemed myself with this. A bedspread in its infancy. Using my stash of black beige, brown and multi coloured yarn. A bit of relief from fluff and pink. But yarn stash bigger not smaller.

I suppose this should teach me to be kinder to K when he finds some fascinating piece of usefulness. But the look on his face when I remind him that we live in a caravan is just too good.
Mind you I probably need to keep the comment inside my head for a bit. And sell some afghans soon as well. Cos there is no more room in the box for any more.

Cheers Sue

A Ferg on the Move. (and crocheting madly)


  1. Ha,ha, heard that all before from addicts. I don't know how many times over the years I heard Granny say "I am not getting any more wool!"

    1. I'm not addicted! I am just a victim of sneak attacks of lonely balls of yarn.

  2. Replies
    1. Don't spin anymore. Not for years. Just use the yarn. (No wonder English is so hard to learn)
