Wednesday 27 January 2016

The reasuring rhythms of caravan life. Or I was right again.

It is good to be back in our own space. We pulled up next to the caravan late Saturday night to be greeted by the farm dogs barking and the horse grazing nearby. We planned to grab the food, chuck it in the fridge and climb into bed and unpack in the morning. A puddle of water on the floor put paid to that. The gas had run out just long enough ago for the ice in the freezer to have melted. There was nothing of note in the fridge but out came all the shelves and the vinegar to disinfect the fridge just in case. 

Now far be it from me to crow, particularly since K was the one on his knees wiping the bottom shelf, but I did ask if there was enough gas in the bottle to last the fridge a fortnight. Sometimes life is just cruel. Got the fridge cleaned didn't I.

We have unpacked inside, and under the expert supervision of our sometimes dog ( she lives with us when we are on the farm) the annex has been set up again. We pile everything up against the caravan wall when we are not home so it all has to be inspected and sprayed for spiders and other creeping things before we use it. Milly is now quite used to me leaping for the spray can and the broom. She just moves to another spot.

By Tuesday with bread made, yoghurt done...although this lot took ages to set...and washing on the line it was time for a traditional Australia Day. Sheep work of course. I put in a hard day baby watching and the other four, K, our daughter, son-in-law and nearly four year old granddaughter, caught and lifted lambs to be vaccinated and drenched. K is going to be very sore. He can testify that the lambs are putting on weight. He followed granddaughter's expert directions and caught the lambs she chose out for him. She keeps them moving in the pen so they don't jam up against the wall and get crushed.

Baby is grinning lots and his mother reports that he has begun giggling. Hasn't done it for me yet! But he slept through the noise ok. Lambs have loud voices.

Good to be home, here where our mobile house is.

Cheers Sue
A Ferg on the Move

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