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New left hand cupboard door in our Jayco Stirling kitchen
Before....left hand side is solid.
We have generous over bench storage lockers in our 2007 Jayco Stirling caravan and I manage to stuff all my baking goods and spice stash in there. But access to the third of the space closest to the door has been difficult. The designers were not cooks that's for sure because they only put an lift up hatch door over two thirds of the metre and a bit wide space leaving a sizeable section of the cupboard behind a securely bolted in cover. Deciding to cook a cake meant pulling everything out of the middle section and scrabbling round on tip toe to reach the necessary items while trying not to fall into the door step well and out into the annex. That hurts. I know cos I have done I a few times.
Items were stacked on top of each other in containers and restrained when travelling by a couple of heavy cardboard pieces cut to size and fitted inside the doors. Things do move around in the overhead lockers during the flight...or bumpy road travel.
Anyway on one of our trips to Canberra lest season K bought a cabinet set of hinges and a button lock with the intention of turning that bit of solid locker front into a lift up door sometime.
I came home a few days ago to find the contents of the storage hatch in our caravan kitchen spread all over the bed and Mr Fix It's head in the locker. The offending solid bit of cupboard front was sitting in the sink.
"What you doing?" I said. There's nothing like asking about the obvious.
" I was going to give the door a go, but I put the hinges in a safe place."
This statement always engenders dread. Safe place is code for turn out every hiding place in the ute, the sedan, the caravan and now the storage shed. K never, and I mean never, remembers where the safe place is.
After running through the list of places to check I send the huffing man off to start cutting and put on my investigator hat.
Hinges in a plastic bag next to the BBQ with a lighter and some wire and button lock in a cup next to the microwave. Years of marriage paid off.
My revenge was to suggest quite mildly that a shelf would be good since everything was out anyway and there was an ideal bit of wood left over from framing the shed door.
By dinner time I was the proud owner of a pantry locker complete with a full length shelf at just the right height and angled back slightly to address movement in transit and a new hinged cupboard door. Looks like it was always there. Mr Fix It had split the solid cupboard face and created a solid bit on the end and a new door, installed hinges, not easy since the new style had to be fitted differently to ones in the rest of the van. He finished the edges and put the shelf in as well. Did this sitting on the bench contorted into a pretzel shape using his short handled screw drivers in tiny spaces.
Got a new pull down blind for the kitchen window too. But that is for another post.
Love my man.
Cheers Sue
A Ferg on the Move