Chunky black wallaby on the hill.

Much lighter finely built
wallaby outside our camp at Mataranka NT
Thursday as I pottered around doing my morning jobs as well as a few of K's since he is on light duties for a bit longer, I was kept entertained by a wallaby. It was sitting in the middle of the hill above our van intently digging at something and lifting it to its mouth. I moved in and out of the van and shed for over and hour and it sat up once or twice to check me out. I was dismissed as not at all noteworthy and it returned to its breakfast.
The wallabies here are chunky and dark, a complete contrast to the delicate ones at Mataranka in the Northern Territory. I have posted about these before. There were a couple that K made friends with and would come to our van to forage when their tourist food source ran out. Tourists think it is great to feed them up in the breeding season and then we have to watch them starve when the weather gets hot and the grey army move south. The wallabies get so hungry they eat cardboard boxes.
Anyway I will just climb back of my high horse and get back to my Thursday morning.
You may have asked yourself why there is a picture of a bottle in a mug at the top of this post. Well that's my chilli infused olive oil defrosting in a mug of warm water. I store my heavy food stuffs in a box under the sink down low for safe travel. It must be cold in that spot at night cos my oils solidify and I can't get them to pour out of the bottle til I heat them up a bit. So three mugs at breakfast Thursday. One for K, one for me and one for the chilli oil for K's omelette.
We did quite a bit of preparation for the few weeks while K is on light duties. He filled the gas bottles and set them up so I can switch between them and not have to lift them in and out. The wood pile is quite big and covered by the tarpaulin to try and keep it dry. Our son-in-law came in and set up the fire for us to light ready for when we limped in from Sydney ( thankyou so much. I was not looking forward to building the fire late at night. ) and cut lighter wood and kindling that I can carry since K is restricted to under 5 kg for a bit longer. Both the Crookwell grandkids are over 5 kg.....guess he will have to get down on the floor with them instead.
Anyway enough rambling. Morning duties. Set the fire, look at wallaby, grab more wood, get ignored by wallaby, cook breakfast and eat my toast while being ignored by wallaby, pull out toilet cassette and muscle it into the ute to take down to empty while being laughed at by wallaby....you get the picture.
I think my life is quite interesting. Obviously the local wild life disagree.
Cheers Sue
A Ferg on the Move
The wallabies here are chunky and dark, a complete contrast to the delicate ones at Mataranka in the Northern Territory. I have posted about these before. There were a couple that K made friends with and would come to our van to forage when their tourist food source ran out. Tourists think it is great to feed them up in the breeding season and then we have to watch them starve when the weather gets hot and the grey army move south. The wallabies get so hungry they eat cardboard boxes.
Anyway I will just climb back of my high horse and get back to my Thursday morning.
You may have asked yourself why there is a picture of a bottle in a mug at the top of this post. Well that's my chilli infused olive oil defrosting in a mug of warm water. I store my heavy food stuffs in a box under the sink down low for safe travel. It must be cold in that spot at night cos my oils solidify and I can't get them to pour out of the bottle til I heat them up a bit. So three mugs at breakfast Thursday. One for K, one for me and one for the chilli oil for K's omelette.
We did quite a bit of preparation for the few weeks while K is on light duties. He filled the gas bottles and set them up so I can switch between them and not have to lift them in and out. The wood pile is quite big and covered by the tarpaulin to try and keep it dry. Our son-in-law came in and set up the fire for us to light ready for when we limped in from Sydney ( thankyou so much. I was not looking forward to building the fire late at night. ) and cut lighter wood and kindling that I can carry since K is restricted to under 5 kg for a bit longer. Both the Crookwell grandkids are over 5 kg.....guess he will have to get down on the floor with them instead.
Anyway enough rambling. Morning duties. Set the fire, look at wallaby, grab more wood, get ignored by wallaby, cook breakfast and eat my toast while being ignored by wallaby, pull out toilet cassette and muscle it into the ute to take down to empty while being laughed at by wallaby....you get the picture.
I think my life is quite interesting. Obviously the local wild life disagree.
Cheers Sue
A Ferg on the Move
Sorry to read K has been crook (have been offline for a bit). I keep my olive oil/infused vinegar dressing in the fridge. It has gone rancid in the cupboard in the past. It is always solid when I need it - very annoying. I sit it in the sun for 5 minutes and it comes good. Just have to be patient!
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from you. I might try putting it in the car window. My bread rises there on all but the coldest days.