Just had to share with you this shot of Miss Four and a Half rounding up sheep with her dad. The sheep need to be yarded ready to be shorn. They came past our camp site with the dogs. Miss has it all down pat. Hat on, walking stick in hand and trotting along next to dad up and down the hill.
We are expecting inclement weather ( posh way of saying cold and stormy and maybe snow) before the weekend. K has delayed our run up to Newcastle in case there is a proper snow fall and we need to dismantle the caravan annex. A deep snow fall might be too much for the annex roof.
I had bought provisions to make a few meals today to take with us and decided to have cook up anyway. So there is a lasagne cooling on the kitchen bench, a crust less quiche cut into three, and two serves of chicken and mushroom pasta sauce in the freezer. I baked in my hooded BBQ as always. Then I decided to use the twin tub washer while there was sun to dry clothes so I am feeling quite like the proper homesteader. I drew the line at a walk down the hill and back to the chickens so no cake ... I used the eggs in the quiche. Maybe I will con K into taking the scraps down and snagging an egg for me. Mind you the chooks owners might beat me to it as they are here today as well.

After my busy morning I am now enjoying the sun watching the baby in the pram. He is supposed to be asleep but judging by the speed his feet are kicking that's not likely. He is playing his favourite peek a boo game by pushing the sun cover out with his legs and grinning at me. Not crying though so
its all good.
Down the hill at the shearing shed things are being set up for a day of shearing weather permitting tomorrow. There is hammering happening too. Mr Fix It is wiring speakers and attaching the wires to the rafters. Music is an essential part of shearing.it seems.
The horse has her coat off and is enjoying the sun as well.
Pretty good life.
Cheers Sue
A Ferg on the Move
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