On the farm we are set up in off grid mode. That is we rely
on LPG gas for the fridge and cooking, solar and generator for electricity. We
have this all pretty much under control and can run and charge up most of the
normal appliances everyone uses.
Water on the other hand is an issue. The family are still
renting in town and planning to build their house here in the not too distant
future. At present there in only an old rainwater tank on the shearing shed and
that is for the stock … and the luxurious flushing toilet that a previous owner
put in! The water in the dams is not so
attractive for people use.
So water has to be carried in every couple of days from town
and transferred into the caravan tanks for washing and showers. We have 180 litres so if we have lightning
fast showers and save the dishes up for one or two big washes a day we can go
four days before we run out. We have two 25 litre water containers that travel
in the back of the Ute and every trip into town has include water
Once upon a time transferring the water was done by the old
fashioned method of syphoning. Pipe with a weight on it into the containers,
containers up on the ute tray and other end of tube into the tank. Worked well.
But Mr Fix It was not
content with that. Besides sometimes the water quality in some of the places we
stay can be a bit dubious and he wanted to be able to filter if necessary. So
this is the current solution.

In the black box is a water pump, exactly the same as the
ones that are in most caravans today. (This one has spent a bit of time in the
eldest son’s van one trip when his pump gave up) The case is hung on the water heater by a

A pipe goes into the water container and the pump pushes the water into the tank.

K has made a fitting that goes over the inlets so we don’t have to stuff a pipe into the tanks anymore.

Water can be pumped through our filter as well, but this is town supply so we are not filtering it.

A pipe goes into the water container and the pump pushes the water into the tank.

K has made a fitting that goes over the inlets so we don’t have to stuff a pipe into the tanks anymore.

Water can be pumped through our filter as well, but this is town supply so we are not filtering it.
The pump is powered by the caravan batteries connected by an
Anderson plug. 50 litres takes only a
few minutes. Even I can do it.
We go into extreme water saving mode when camped off grid
and so I have a 5 litre bucket sitting under the bathroom waste water outlet.
One quick shower is about a bucket full and we recycle that either to fill the
toilet flush tank or to use in the twin tub for clothes washing. I have to
remember to go out and empty the bucket but it’s worth it to save K lifting
more heavy water containers than necessary.
The kitchen grey water is run out to water the black berries or a garden
when we have one.

Today I did the clothes in the twin tub with shower water and
a few extra litres from the caravan tanks for rinsing.
This is when the twin tub really comes into its own.
This kind of camping is a bit more work, but very
satisfying. There’s something special about being reasonably independent.
Cheers Sue
A Ferg on the Move.
Ingenious. It reminds me of when we were in drought and M&D had a bucket under the kitchen and bathroom sinks and we all took the same bath in 4 inches of water all of which was saved to flush the loo. So, you have a garden? How does that work?
ReplyDeleteIf we stay long enough I do pots of veggies. There are a few trees that we try to encourage. My daughter had an extensive pot garden including trees on their previous rented farm. Things have to be fenced off so once that is done I might try to do some herbs again as well.