Lagan markets were on last weekend. In this district there is a market in one of the local towns just about every weekend. We have often packed up and headed north by the time they restart after the holiday season so we were keen to pop across and have a gander.
K did his usual and topped up on chutney and sauces.
There was a bloke selling chilli products. They are pretty good too. We grabbed a few gluten free baked goods sold by a couple who are just up the road from the farm.
There were the usual mixture of home grown and cooked goods, second hand things and knitted and crocheted baby items. I had a long yarn with a lady discussing finishing and edging afghans and we swapped stitch ideas. Add scones and coffee and it was a fantastic morning.
K made friends with a leather worker who makes and repairs watch bands.
Today was really hot and K fired up the generator to run the air-conditioning in the caravan. I am very grateful K solved the generator, air-conditioner mismatch earlier this year because instead of hunting shade I was able to turn out cupboards and pack for a quick trip to Adelaide to mind mum, mine that is, after an operation. Found a few things to repair, a few to throw out and reorganised the yarn stash so I could take something to do with me.
Mr Fix It showed his age today. Had to make three runs to the hardware supplier for bits. Didn't do the part buying equivalent of measure twice , cut one. Think twice, drive once.
I showed my age by leaving my glasses in a shop yesterday and by misplacing my bright orange phone twice. (I bought an orange phone cover to avoid just such an incident. Works well doesn't it) I guess we are about even in the absent-minded stakes, although the sight of me with my posterior in the air scrabbling under the car to find my ringing phone probably rates a bit higher as entertainment.
Catch you all from Adelaide soon
Cheers Sue
A Ferg on the Move
Love to see you. Text me.