Grey skies and drizzle at the farm while we were away. It was brown when we drove out last week. A bit of rain, some sun and the grass begins to grow again. Little green shoots and a carpet of new pale green. Not very high yet.
I am impressed by the amount of care our son-in-law takes to preserve the feed and the land in general. Stocking rates, amount of rain and knowledge of every little bit of country inform the movement of stock, breeding numbers and the drenching and vaccination regime. I have learnt heaps from him and he is very patient about my endless questions, and does not even roll his eyes....or at least he doesn't when I am looking.
We hopped right into the caravan routine when we got home. Bread making, picking blackberries and such....
A pair of echidnas enjoyed the ants scurrying after the rain.
Sunday afternoon was crutching and drenching time. The sheep were mustered the evening before in the cool and the well oiled machine of shearer and his nearly four year old daughter a well as grandad K went to work. We two women knitted, crocheted, baby sat and made afternoon tea and dinner. I gave my BBQ a work out roasting vegetables. We had chicken and pork. There isn't any lamb left in our freezer so it is good that there are a couple of lambs picked out for processing. Is it really bad that I look at a well developed lamb hind quarter and see roast?
Baby and granddaughter were exhausted by the end and lounged on the caravan bed watching a video while the rest of us had a cuppa crammed into our tiny space. Togetherness at its best.
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