A quiet evening at mum's watching a movie with my brother and beginning my new crochet project.
I flew over for a week to help out after mum's operation. After a bit of thought I didn't pack the nearly finished double bed afghan in my luggage. (K has it ready to put in the car so I can do it in Newcastle when I fly back there to join him in a weeks time.) Instead, dedicated crochet-er that I am, half my suitcase was filled with a lovely green yarn that I decided to crochet in a new stitch from Kristin Omdal's Seamless Crochet: Techniques and Motifs for Join-as-You-Go Crochet. All joined up and no need to thread a needle at all. I bought this book from the Kindle site. I love to find new techniques and then use them in my afghans.
So I'm sitting in mum's chair.... I have the use of it for the week 'cos she won't be able to get in and out of it until her new knee can bend properly..... I've got one eye on the TV and half an eye on the pattern and half an eye on the hook and yarn. Doing quite well I thought as the first row of circles dropped off the end of my hook.
Rascal, the resident kitten, was fascinated by the new project and took on the role of quality control officer; creeping up to ensure that my yarn was in fact pulling from the ball in a timely fashion,

grabbing it for me when the ball moved,