We decided to go for a drive yesterday . Drove into Crookwell and then picked an exit. We ended up in Boorowa
and popped into the first pub we saw for a snitzel lunch. Typical pub lunch with generous size serves and lovely people.
Also typically K got into conversation with the owner's mother about all sorts of things including life in the NT. She directed us towards Iandra castle as a possible destination.
It looks like a great day out. Unfortunately the next open day is after the new year. Still we will put it on the agenda.
Further into town we found a collectables and coffee shop. The kind of place that makes me wish for a proper bedside table or mantle piece and a real verandah. There were old knicknacks, boxes and tins. There was a rusty milk can and a Coolgardie safe.
We restricted our purchases to coffee and some homemade Worcestershire sauce. Sometimes it sucks being sensible!

Wandering down the main street we came across this bit of essential safety advice.
Talking of safety devices .....
K has popped our 9db antenna on the shearing shed roof and with a lead from it plugged into the antenna port on his phone, was able to get SMS and ring out. He has to stand on the landing of the shed, which is no where near as much fun to watch as me standing in the middle of the road next to the gate, but it is reassuring to be able to call out if necessary. By the way he had to take the back off his phone and drill a hole through it to get to the external antenna plug.
A good day.... And cheap fuel too.
Cheers Sue
A Ferg on the Move
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