The weather has been kind to us this last week. Lots of sun and a light breeze. Not ideal for farmers here who need good soaking rains to get the winter grasses started. A lot of locals are supplement feeding their lambs and there is a bloke who has his cattle out on road edges every afternoon. We have to keep
bovine afternoon tea time in mind as we drive into town.
Cattle out for an afternoon tea munch on the road side |
But the sun has kept our batteries charged and I have taken advantage of that to do some crock pot cooking in the middle of the day and to charge computers and spare batteries while the sun shines.
Solar Panels on the right of our camp. |
It has become second nature to check the battery voltage every morning before staring the coffee machine. This doubles as a weather check as well. This morning the reading was low..... so without even popping my head out the door I knew it was cloudy. Put the kettle on and made a plunger pot instead.
We are always on the lookout for information about solar power and off-grid living just in case we can find ideas to improve our
electrical independence, so I was interested in this article in the Caravan World Magazine on
solar power systems for your caravan.
This issue also had an article with this very cute title.
Do your kids have nature deficit disorder? The teacher in me was quite taken with this concept. I'm not quite sure how the science of the idea stacks up but today's children (not my grandchildren of course) do seem to spend more time indoors than I remember allowing.
Talking of interesting reading, here is a gem we found in our favourite Crookwell coffee shop. Coffee Mash Potatoes.
Now .......... I know a day is not right without coffee but maybe this is taking things a bit too far.
Cheers Sue
A Ferg on the Move