Thursday 26 November 2015

Night time activity. The local residents.

It is peaceful here in the evenings. Even more so than we are used too. Usually no road noises and the only lights are the ones we have put in ourselves. On a clear night the stars are very bright. (This we are used to. Starry nights in the NT are spectacular.)

But just because it is night does not mean everything is asleep.
Driving home last night from town in the dark we encountered a couple of ‘roos and wallabies. They are very dark coloured and bulky as opposed to our  lighter coloured and slimmer built wallabies in Mataranka. I captured this very short video of one of the kangaroos bounding down the road ahead of us. We were doing 35 km/hr and it was racing ahead, kicking up dust. It ran ahead of us long enough for me to grab my phone set it to video and then grab this.

A few minutes later a very dark wallaby shot across the road in front of us and cleared off into the nearby paddock in about three bounds. There is a wombat that crosses the road about 10pm as we drive home. He is chunky. Hitting one of them would be like running over a boulder. There are feral  cats and baby foxes here as well. And rabbits in the blackberry bushes behind the caravan.
We see  echidnas as well. I  haven’t managed to get a night photo of one but earlier in the week we got this photo of an echidna crossing the road. We pulled up next to him for a photo. Apparently if the echidnas are on the move then rain is on the way, None so far but you never know. Again the echidna was darker quilled than the ones I have seen in the NT.

At night the sheep wander up this end of the paddock to visit. So we hear the lambs and ewes calling each other in the early hours. Sometimes the horse comes to check us out as well. Now that we have the dog close to the van we know when the rabbits and foxes are close. She’s not fond of them.
Birds start up as the sun rises.
So …. as I said peaceful if not empty evenings and nights.

Life is good

Cheers Sue
A Ferg on the Move.


  1. So, life on the farm. You mentioned something about Goulburn in one of your posts. Is the farm far from Goulburn?? Keep writing.

    1. Goulburn is 60 k and Canberra is 130 ish. Far enough to think about it, but close enough for access to all the amenities.
