Our three year old granddaughter is very involved. She climbs into the pen and tells Poppy which one to catch next. The lambs move as far away from the threatening two legged ones as possible and pack up in the corners of the pen climbing on top of each other. Granddaughter’s job is walk around using hip and shoulder and “shushing the sheep”. Pretty cute and very effective. She moves the ewes around in the holding pen as well, looking for her favourite black “mum”. I didn't get a video of her doing this yesterday, but here she is moving the sheep at shearing last summer.
The sheep dogs are supposed to stay in the trailer. They do this for hours, well until joined by a three year old distraction. She loves the dogs, climbs in and out of the trailer and gets lots of cuddles.
I am on grandkid duty. I get to cuddle a restless grandson while his mother drenches and inoculates lambs. Its a good thing the baby is little and easy to carry because his sister is very mobile and while she is very happy to help daddy with the sheep, she moves like and Olympic sprinter and can be outside the shed and on to some other activity while you blink. I got told to get a chair at one point and “sit there grandma with mummy’s baby”. She wants to run her cars down the ramp and wash them in the water trough.
The work goes on until sunset, then we pack up and have a cuppa and go to our respective homes.
At the Fergs residence the supper of choice is lamb curry, made with the left overs of the roast from earlier in the week. (Some of the crossbred lambs look like they might make good roast next year by the way)
Life is good
Cheers Sue
A Ferg on the Move
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