Tuesday, 15 September 2015

First Aid, Plastic cling wrap and more lamb

I spent the weekend updating my First Aid qualification, a useful but very tiring activity that used up most of Saturday and Sunday.  Again I am struck with how far people have to travel to things out here.  I did 118km, but was outdone by one participant who travelled 269 km.


There are always a few things that grab your funny bone when we all get to together to be tied up in various ways. Apparently I was not at all subtle about my feelings when it was my turn to be the accident victim. I  thought  I was very obliging when Geoff our instructor insisted that I had broken my elbow. ..... Oh well you be the judges.

The list of things that we need to carry in our cars in addition to a very good First Aid kit grew as the days went on. A towel for padding the "bumpy bits" of female accident victims when immobilising and arm against the body, as well as padding knobbly knees and ankles when using the good leg as a splint for a broken one...leg that is. Alfoil to lay over the stomach if intestines are exposed.... A few of us felt sick at that one. And my favourite,  a roll of plastic cling wrap. This is for sealing a sucking chest wound, wrapping a knocked out tooth and sealing away a severed finger should you find one.

Our trainer was truly entertaining, as you can see.

So about the lamb.  Moroccan  Lamb pizza with artfully drizzled yoghurt. See I am finding things on which to use yukky yoghurt.  The other lamb delight for this week so far was K's roast shoulder (of lamb)   cooked in our glass oven and ready to eat as I pulled into the caravan park after a delightful (and I'm not being sarcastic) day of teaching.

Cheers Sue

A Ferg on the Move

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