Sunday, 30 August 2015

Fascination with sunrise.

Sunrises are an integral part of caravan life. Light blasts past the curtains each morning alerting us to the new day. A peek outside can reveal amazing sights. Some places we have camped have treated us to gentle displays of rising colour creeping up out of the land into the sky. A perfect accompaniment to a cup of coffee on the doorstep of the van.

Closer to the equator as we are here, sunrises are almost aggressive, the difference between dark and light measured in just a few minutes. If I have to drive some distance to  a community,  like I will have to tomorrow,  I tend to watch these minutes with some impatience. Light means safer driving.

So I just love it that K stopped to watch and take these photos one morning when he was in Mataranka early to unload stores from the 6am delivery truck.

He's looking across the road towards the bush.

I'll let them speak for themselves.

Cheers Sue

A Ferg on the Move

Sunrise Mataranka 6.30am

Sunrise Mataranka 6.30am

Sunrise Mataranka 6.37am

Sunrise Mataranka 6.40am





  1. They are really great pics Sue - you feel like you need to squint.

    1. He's pretty good with a camera. But that is what it is like. So strong and sharp.
