Saturday, 15 April 2017

Birthday joy.

Got a year older last Wednesday. My birthday falls around Easter and therefore I am usually at Rathmines at Bible School. This year Mr Fix It has been working here doing maintenance and helping with the renovations so there was a small crowd of workers here in the day.

Breakfast in bed in our little bedsit home away from our caravan, with a tear jerker of a card and message from K. Very romantic.

Roses from one friend, rose scented candle  from another and cheerful happy birthdays all round. Some hand made tea towels I have laid over my breakfast supplies.

Treated myself to an expensive trip to the hairdressers and I now sport lovely blond streaks.

Happy birthday song from the Brisbane crew over the phone. Video messages from  Miss Five and Master 18 Month. SMS and Facebook wishes as well.

Dinner out with friends completed a wonderful day.

Feeling very blessed.

Cheers Sue
A Ferg on the Move

Thursday, 6 April 2017

The young and the older.

Youngest grandson went off to inspect the property last weekend. Toddled off down the hill toward the rams. Grandfather K (Poppy) wandered along behind just in case. At one stage the two of them were standing, hands behind their backs in matching stances as the rams stood watching them. I missed that photo.....

Then Master grabbed Poppy's hand and led him back up the hill.

Such a lovely relationship.

Cheers Sue
A Ferg on the Move